The most interesting aspect of the school is our emphasis on the PROCESS rather than the final result. Students are taught to imbibe the correct values that lead to ‘education’ in the truest sense of the word. Students are taught to teach themselves, to have a quest for knowledge and not merely marks; to learn for the sheer joy of learning and to inculcate that wonderful spirit of inquiry. This process-driven approach equips them with the skills needed for life-long learning. The teaching method is interctive and class engagement is encouraged. To further promote this, the teacher keeps changing the seating style of the classroom and also follow jigsaw method of teaching.
In the evaluation procedure they are tested for an understanding of the subject-matter and not merely by their ability to rote learn. Students cannot prepare for a test by memorizing the subject-matter one day before the test. Thus, we evaluate the progress of children based on formative and summative assessments. We believe that the process of preparation really involves being attentive in class all through the course, giving snap quizzes on it, doing regular question papers, multiple-choice objective question papers, open book examinations, group or individual presentations and various other innovative techniques that are devised by the faculty for better learning.
Students are also taught to assess themselves, their peers and their teachers. Students are taught that quality education is about possibilities, about success in real life, about unleashing their talents, about excitement in learning new things, about being a good human being and a contributing citizen. Our process actually incorporates all this within the system. For us schooling is about being unleashed, about deep understanding, about excitement and fun and about engagement with the community.