JPIS is now authorised as an IB MYP school, one of over 1900 worldwide and 60 in India. JPIS is the only school in Rajasthan that has implemented the MYP. The programme was first introduced by the International  Baccalaureate® (IB), in 1994. The Middle Years Programme, offered by  JPIS  to students aged between 11 and 14, is essentially a  programme which builds on the learnings of the Primary Years  Programme and prepares  students for the critical years of the IB  Diploma. 


In the MYP, the student is at the heart of the learning model; everything centres on the student and the development of the ten IB Learner Profile character traits within the student. The goal is to provide students with the values and opportunities that will enable them to develop sound judgments, make wise choices and respect others in the global community.


Through Approaches to Learning (ATL), students develop skills to learn and improve their own ability to learn effectively. Our teachers use Approaches to Teaching that challenge students to think, inquire, and work collaboratively with others. Students’ disciplinary understanding is underpinned by concepts, which enable them make connections between disciplines and place their learning into real-world global contexts. A concept is a big idea—a principle that is enduring, the significance of which goes beyond aspects such as particular origins, subject matter or place in time. Concepts represent the vehicle for students’ inquiry into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance, providing the means by which the essence of a subject can be explored.

The eight MYP subject groups are offered as multiple disciplines. The subjects are: Language & Literature, Mathematics, Science, Individuals and Societies (Humanities), Language Acquisition (Hindi/French/Spanish), Design (ICT), Arts (Visual Arts/Dance/Music) and Physical & Health Education. Connections between subjects are often made clear through interdisciplinary projects.


The Community Project is a student-centred, extended practical exploration of their personal interests. Through the completion of this project, students are encouraged to practise and strengthen their ATL skills, consolidate prior and subject-specific learning and develop an area of special concern. The Community Project is completed in Grade 8 as the culmination of the student’s three-year MYP experience.


International-mindedness is a key element of the programme, which helps our students develop into responsible global citizens. As such, we work with our students to be open to diverse cultures, speak multiple languages, and understand that people with different views, backgrounds and perspectives can also be right.


The above key elements permeate and are practiced throughout the whole curriculum. The focus continues to be on how best to meet the needs of adolescents, who are confronted with a vast and often bewildering array of choices in a complex and rapidly changing world. This focus on higher-order thinking skills gives students opportunities to develop a growing awareness of themselves and others, as they explore real-world issues.

2023 © JayShree Periwal International School.
