Pastoral Care

'When I get a bruise on my knee as a result of a hard tackle in football, the Hospital caters to all my needs. When I get a bruise on my psyche as a result of a quarrel with my friend, house parents who are our friends, mentors and most importantly fellow human beings seek to make me come out of it stronger and more resilient.' - JPItes

The residence parents have made a personal commitment to be there for the students beyond the call of duty at any time during day or night. In the absence of parents, the residence parents play an important role in their children's lives of being a protector, shield guide, friend, counselor and a role model to inculcate good habits. Professional personal counseling and medication are available to all students as a means of enhancing personal development and resolving the confusions and conflicts, which may occasionally arise in even the best-regulated community.

The Personal and Social Education program includes units on such issues as personal relationships, adolescence, peer pressure, coping with stress etc.
